Returning to Kickstarter on August 10 2021, Richard Davis of Dark Frontier Games is bringing out a re-worked version of his original design. And although I never played the first iteration, I have been rolling, fighting and defending my way around the newest prototype for Planet XS.
The Kingdom of Rolldovia is in a dicey predicament! Bandits have ransacked the stores, destroyed the mills, and basically run roughshod through the place. Queen Statisia is in tears, the people are floundering, the animals are loose. But have no fear. For you have a handful of dice, and a head full of plans for re-building Rolldovia. For making it THE place to live, work, and play!
Elton John’s Rocket Man was obviously orbiting the wrong space station. Because, if he had been heading towards Space Base, then he most definitely wouldn’t have been singing the blues!
Designed by John D. Clair and published by AEG Games, Space Base is a fun tableau building, card drafting, resource management, engine building racing game set in, yep you guessed it, space!